Kick-off Conference on the Project “Improving Integrity of the Public Administration in the Slovak Republic”
From 19 to 20 September 2019, kick-off conference on the project "Improving Integrity in Public Administration in the Slovak Republic" was held at the premises of Hotel Bôrik with the participation of representatives of central state administration bodies and civil society. The project is aimed at improving the system of integrity of public administration in the Slovak Republic and is funded by the EEA and Norway Grants. The overall goal of the project is to review the system of public integrity in public administration in the Slovak Republic and to create an evidence base for the development of effective measures to strengthen public integrity (ethical implementation of public administration) and to reduce the level of corruption in Slovakia. Experts from the International Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will co-operate with the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic in the implementation of the project.